Australian Solar Systems Prices 2024 – Panel Systems

Here is some information on solar system prices in Australia. This is average solar pricing info for 2024. Take a look at our solar panels prices page here. You’ll find out what sort of price you should be paying. What factors influence the price of your solar system and more!

solar system prices cheap
Solar system pricing can be too cheap… I mean watch out – what would you say if someone tried to sell you a house for half price… “What’s wrong with it?” right.

Quick Solar System Price Checklist

  1. Make sure any price you proceed with is within the “normal” range expected from solar installers. The best way to gauge this is to get solar quotes from a few different installers in your area (at least 3).
  2. Read our guide on solar system prices (this page!)
  3. Know that not all solar gear was created equal and this might result in some wild price differences
  4. Consider >> There are “before rebate” and “after rebate” prices. Make sure your quote is CLEAR in which price it has given you (it is normal for solar installers to claim the rebate on your behalf, while you get an upfront discount on your purchase.

What are typical prices for solar systems in Australia?

Prices for solar systems vary quite a lot across Australia. Typical pricing for a 5kW solar system today is in these ranges:

  • Extremely cheap – $4,400 or less – These systems are usually installed by small businesses with very low overhead costs. Beware: Buying in this price range might come back to bite you.
  • “Normal” cheap – $5,000 – $6,000 – These systems are within the “normal” price range, although they are still quite cheap. Usually any solar system prices you get in this range are for very basic panels and a Chinese-made inverter. A typical example is SUNLINK solar panels and a JFY inverter.
  • “Normal” premium – $6,000 – $9,000 – These solar systems are still common in Australia. Usually though, if you’re paying this much, you’d want to make sure you’re getting some really good quality products. Typical example is WINAICO solar panels and an SMA inverter.
  • Extremely expensive $9,500 or more – If you’re getting priced in this range, chances are you’re paying too much. The only exception to this rule is if you have some kind of special solar technology or a very difficult installation. A typical example of this would be a solar system with micro-inverters scattered in different locations with tilted racking.

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solar power system prices
Here is an example of a normal solar price list. You can see the solar rebates and final pricing with or without finance.

Factors that influence pricing

Here are some things to consider when you compare solar prices or solar quotes:

  1. The grade of the solar panel. Tier 1 solar panels are dearer than no-name Chinese panels. Of course, genuine German solar panels or US solar panels like SUNPOWER are going to put the price way up ($1,000 – $2,500 dearer).
  2. The grade of the inverter. Chinese inverters are the cheapest. But they aren’t all bad either. But consider that a solar system price given to you with a German inverter will be at least $800 more than a Chinese inverter (5kW system).
  3. Ease of installation. This doesn’t bear as much of an impact on costs. Nevertheless, a really difficult installation will cost more than an easy one (and it should!).
  4. Finance. You always pay for financing your solar power system. Or anything for that matter. If you’re getting your system financed it will cost much more over the long term. But it also will likely be worth the cost!
  5. Installation arrangement. It’s more expensive to have a dedicated team of solar installers than to get a sub-contractor to do the job.
  6. Company overheads. Do you want someone to answer the phone if you call up your solar company? If so then consider paying within the “normal” range which includes companies with office staff overheads.

Example: An Expensive 5kW Solar System Price

What some companies will do is focus their efforts on getting customers who are silly enough to not compare quotes! They will do everything they can to convince you that you don’t need to shop around because their company is great. Usually this happens with door-knocking companies. If you are new to solar and don’t know what a 5kW solar system costs then you might get slapped with a $14,000 quote not knowing that this is NOT NORMAL. In fact it is way too expensive. It’s a bit like paying $60,000 for a car that your neighbour got for $30,000!

5kW Solar System Price
You can easily wind up paying too much for a solar system if you don’t get at least 3 solar quotes.

Example: A Cheap 5kW Solar System

Some companies have extremely low solar system prices. You can probably get a 5kW solar power system installed in most major Australian cities for under $4,000 if you try hard. But cheap prices come at a risky cost. Unfortunately in most cases you DO get what you pay for so BEWARE of the cheap “too-good-to-be-true” prices that try to knock out the competition.

What’s a “normal” solar system pricing range?

Well as explained above, there are different ranges of “normal” when it comes to solar. Here are some “normal” Australian solar system prices for different system sizes including solar rebate info:

Cost (before rebates)$3,200 - $4,700$5,700 - $9,800$9,200 - $15,800$10,600 - $17,400
Total rebates available$1,147$2,294$3,811$4,588
Cost (after rebates)$2,053 - $3,553$3,406 - $7,506$5,389 - $11,989$6,012 - $12,812
Maximum federal rebate (%)35.8%40.2%41.4%43.3%

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 What range of products will you find in the “normal” range?

You could find all sorts of solar products in the normal range. That’s why it’s helpful to have a solar system prices guide. Then you can choose between products within the same “normal” range.

solar installers working
Some hard working solar installers putting panels on a roof.

Solar system prices – Solar panels in the “normal” pricing range:

  • TRINA solar panel system prices
  • ET solar panel system prices
  • SCHUTTEN solar panel system prices
  • SUNLINK solar panel system prices
  • HANOVER solar panel system prices
  • WINAICO solar panel system prices
  • REC solar panel system prices
  • ZN SHINE solar panel system prices
  • CONERGY solar panel system prices
  • SUNTECH solar panel system prices
  • LG solar panel system prices
  • SERAPHIM solar panel system prices
  • BOSCH solar panel system prices
  • PERLIGHT solar panel system prices
  • RENESOLA prices

Solar inverters in the “normal” pricing range:

  • SMA inverters
  • JFY inverters
  • Growatt inverters
  • ABB inverters (Power-One Aurora inverters)
  • Solarmax inverters
  • Delta inverters
  • Sungrow inverters
  • Renesola inverters
  • Conergy inverters

Most inverters keep you within normal solar system pricing limits. Micro-inverters are a bit trickier as they can be thousands more expensive.

1.5kW solar system price – $3,500

2kW solar system price – $3,800

3kW solar system price – $5,570

4kW solar system price – $5,800

5kW solar system price – $6,300

6kW solar system price – $7,100

8kW solar system price – $9,450

10kW solar system price – $12,000

12kW solar system price – $13,500

15kW solar system price – $17,000

17kW solar system price – $19,350

20kW solar system price – $23,500

25kW solar system price – $32,000

30kW solar system price – $37,000

40kW solar system price – $50,000

50kW solar system price – $67,000

60kW solar system price – $75,000

70kW solar system price – $90,000

80kW solar system price – $105,000

90kW solar system price – $122,000

99kW solar system price – $135,000

100kW solar system price – $140,000

The above solar price lists include residential solar system pricing and commercial solar system pricing. These prices are indications only and are not a quote.

Solar System Prices
Article Name
Solar System Prices
This article is about solar panel system prices in Australia most recently updated in July 2024.
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3 thoughts on “Australian Solar Systems Prices 2024 – Panel Systems”

  1. Hi, Thanks for informative article.
    I just don’t feel it would be the best for environment nor my roof top tiles to have 20 off panels up for a 5kw solar system. While there are panels with larger capacity made overseas, I just can’t understand as why we should be recycling the old 250watt panels. Thinking about buying them online my electrician advised not to, due to compliance with stone age AS.
    What’s wrong and what could we do?

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